FUE technique stands for Follicular Unit Extraction. Today it is the most popular method with the advantage of limited scarring.
The technique includes extraction of the hair roots one by one with a special tipped micro-engine which is less than 1 mm in diameter. FUE is performed under local anesthesia, therefore, making it a painless and comfortable method for patients.
FUE method has been providing effective and successful results since the year 2002.
3 Steps in FUE Tecnique
The first step of this method is extraction of hair follicles.
Hair follicles are removed individually and transplanted to the hairless area. The hair on the donor area is shortened to 1 mm prior to follicular extraction.
Local anesthesia is applied to the area of extraction and transplantation.
Micromotor tip approaches as to center the hair root and according to the development angle of the hair pricked into the skin and pulled back. The hair is cut in a cylinder shape together with the surrounding microscopic tissue.
Micro forceps pull hair follicles gently. This automated approach enables to increase the amount of graft as well as reducing the graft waste and the duration of the operation. Finally, these collected follicular units, which contain 2-3 follicles, are placed into the tiny holes in the recipient area.
The second stage is opening the roots.
The quality of the equipment and the experience of the specialist do have a vital role in the success of the treatment.
At this stage, the specialist opens the roots one by one with a Sapphire handle. Sapphire handles provide a rapid healing process which is just 7 days whereas Titanium handles do not provide this advantage. Moreover, there will be no visible scars after 7 days that's why we can simply say that it's scar-free.
Another advantage of the Sapphire handle is opening the roots in a way, therefore, making it possible to plant the hairs that have 2-3 roots.
Opening roots is especially important for the crown area as an experienced specialist opens the roots in a rose design. This helps the patient to have natural hair in the front and in the back area. It is very important that the hair grows in the same direction.
The third stage is Planting.
It is the final stage of the operation in which the grafts are placed into the opened roots. This process takes around 2 hours depending on the number of the grafts.
This stage is also very important in terms of placing the roots according to the natural design of the hair and not breaking the roots while planting.
Overall, this is teamwork and the experience of the specialists and the rest of the team play a vital role in a successful hair transplantation process.
Advantages of FUE